What do I hold dear? That's almost a loaded question. I hold many things dear. Number one and most important is my family, specifically my children. I have two beautiful daughters and they have me wrapped around their pinky fingers. I don't complain because I like it. I deserve it, right? Next are my sons, Joshua and Austin. I'm blessed to have them. They are hard-headed sometimes, but they aren't bad boys. I'm glad to have the two of them to teach my heart to. I love my daughters and I teach them things, but there's nothing like a heart-to-heart with another male, especially when that male is your seed. My kids complete me, let me know there's more in the universe than fame and fortune. To them I'm not Marcus Clayton, famed linebacker, T.V. star. I'm just daddy. I love that.
Special women? You being funny now, Avah. My wife of course. Lynette Clayton is a jewel. My mom and grandmother have always been special. They are why I appreciate women. They worked hard to raise me, love me, provide for me. Who couldn't love someone who loves you the way they have? And yeah, I'll say it for you. Renee. Austin's mother means more to me than I can tell you in this interview. She's very special. She holds a piece of my heart no other woman will ever have.
Well, that's my list of special people. What else you got?
Marcus Clayton
From the Interview with a Bastard blog series
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