Friday, February 17, 2012

Meet the Cover Model

Erin Dane is our very first cover model. She appeared on the cover of the debut novel in 2009. Erin? Are you there? Tell us about the debut project. What were some of your experiences? What was it like being "Lynette" for the What's Done in the Dark cover?


  1. Hey Avah, I'm here! The debut project was a very special moment for me. Being "That Women" on the cover was empowering yet Daunting because I knew I was face of someone important. Working with everyone was a fun experience. I loved every moment of it. Working with Avah LaReaux was a blast!

  2. Aaaw, thanks, Erin. Just like I told "Marcus," we've got two more projects for this series. Are you still available if we need you? Of course, you're always in the family in you're away at college.

    1. Awww thanks alot and of course I'm available!

  3. Thanks, Erin! Stick around, leave comments, have some punch... {muah}
