Friday, February 17, 2012

Hero or Ego Interview with Pat Bertram

Marcus sat down with book expert Pat Bertram last month. One can only imagine who authorized that. Here's a little bit of what was said:

Welcome. Who are you?
My given name is Marcus LaMont Clayton.

Are you the hero of your own story?
Am I the hero of What’s Done in the Dark? I guess it depends on who’s reading the story. I definitely wouldn’t call myself the villain.

What is your problem in the story?
I prefer to think of them as challenges. On the surface, most people say I have no self-control, that I let my libido runaway with me. Of course, there are always multiple sides to every story. Can we talk about it in length?

Do you have a problem that wasn’t mentioned in the story?
Not at all. I’m very open. I’ve shared my soul… but maybe you won’t see it that way.

Do you run from conflict?
I don’t run from anything, especially conflict. My grandfather taught me to face my fears. I definitely do that in the Lost & Found series.

How do you see yourself?
I see myself as misunderstood. Many have read only part of my story and made a snap judgment. They think they’ve seen it all, read it all, before. I would caution them against thinking I’m as simple as their first impression.

How does the author see you?
Avah LaReaux is my author. She thinks she knows me, thinks because she created me she has all the answers. I issue her the same caution: I’m not as simple as many assume. My levels go deeper than even I know. How can Avah possibly really know me?

Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?
I think Avah did an excellent job introducing me to the world, but I am the only person qualified to tell my story, the Clayton story.

What do you think of yourself?
I love me some Marcus. How could I not? Anyone who doesn’t love themselves is suffering from something that only a person with a degree can help with. The real question is, “Do I like myself?” Well, that’s a question for another day.

Read the entire interview here.

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